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Let's start climbing!

Updated: Jul 16, 2019

Most cyclist agree that climbing is where the time goes by, it's really hard and even harder to go fast. I am lucky as I train for the Triple Bypass that I have some very similar (although not as high) terrain as what the ride will be. Today, I road from the Hogle zoo up emigration canyon and up big mountain pass to East Canyon reservoir and down to Morgan Utah. That in itself would have been quite a ride at about 30 miles and a little less than 3,000 feet in elevation gained, but that's not good enough so I turned around and went back the same way. South from East Canyon reservoir up Big Mountain pass is painful, short distance and a lot of elevation at an average of 6% grade! My Garmin Fenix 3 watch battery died almost to the top of big mountain on the way back, so I didn't get the whole ride in but it would have actually been around 78 miles with a bit over 6,000 feet elevation gains. Feeling good, but not sure I'm really ready!

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