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40 mile Triple Bypass training ride

Updated: Jul 16, 2019

I road a canyon ride a couple of years ago, maybe my first or second year of cycling and it almost killed me it was so hard. The ride has a start in either Morgan, Utah or Henefer, Utah and takes you by East Canyon Reservoir (and state park) on Hwy 65. Because this ride is on a Sunday, I chose to start in Henefer so I could have a place to refill water and nutrition if necessary in Morgan (there is nothing open in Henefer on Sunday). I started with a nice gradual climb of just less than 1,000 feet over 6 miles, after that climb there is a massive drop over 2 miles with a very short but steep climb following. Once you are past that second steep climb the elevation drops from 5,800 feet to 5,000 feet over about 13 miles. Turn around and go back up that 800 feet only to be met with another 500+ feet over 2 miles. It's all downhill after that. Total distance is 43.62 miles with a time of 2 hours 58 minutes at an average speed of 14.6 mph and total elevation gain of 2,651 feet. This time the ride was so much easier than the first time I'd done it. I think this was the first time I really noticed that I am in much better shape than I was a few years ago.

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