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Morning Ride 7/25/2018

Another great morning for a ride. Has anybody ever used weather underground to set up weather notifications for activities - works great. I set up separate temperature and weather related preferences for 'optimal' riding conditions - so I get a notification when the weather for the next day is supposed to be 'optimal'.

The ride this morning started out pretty similar to my ride yesterday, heading south on the Rio Grande' rail trail. As we were passing people and the trail started to get a little busier, we had a conversation about how we thought we might be going to fast for the trail. At that point we came to a road intersection so we turned off and turned the road ride into an actual road ride!

The ride on the road turned out to be a lot of fun riding, on roads I've ridden before. We did a bit of climbing and a bit of fast downhill riding. We had allotted 2 hours for our ride this morning, so at 8am we decided we had better take a look at a map to determine our best route back to the start to stay within the time frame. According to Google Maps, we had an hour of riding to get back to the truck, 38 minutes later we pulled up to the truck. I don't know what speed Google uses to determine it's ride times, but clearly we ride faster.

Overall stats for the ride can be seen in my Garmin Connect link below.

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